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Get started with ChildScript and learn how to code simple programmes and web pages. Follow our lessons to learn how different functions affect your code.

Usage & Syntax

It is possible to use childscript exclusively or as a shorthand with javascript. The first word on each line acts as the function, if this is not recognised as a valid childscript function it will be executed as javascript.


The following is a list of functions with an explanation of what each does, an example of usage and how it compiles to javascript.


Lessons are split into three classes, students, teachers and coders. Student lessons are provided for children taking their first steps into learning to code.


Here are some examples from a portfolio of apps and web projects built with childscript. All are provided with source code so you can see how each works.

Icon List

To place a sheep icon on the page simply run the command draw sheep. Here is a list of other icons you can draw.

Background List

Here is a list of backgrounds you can use for your pages and apps. To setup a background of a beach just run background beach. It is best to do this at the start of the programme.